
Vadovavimasis sveikatingumo principu gali būti naudingas beveik bet kokių žmogiškųjų pastangų atveju. BHRS sprendimai suteiks jums ramybės organizuojant bet kurio SPA centro, sveikatingumo ar sveikatos klubo kasdienes veiklas.



BHRS užtikrins, kad gausite tinkamą sprendimą pagal poreikius.


Prisijunkite prie patenkintų viso pasaulio klientų, kurie tikrai pasitiki aukšta mūsų profesionalių diegimų ir palaikymo personalo aptarnavimo kokybe.


Klientų aptarnavimas yra svarbiausias prioritetas BHRS. Kur bebūtumėte pasaulyje, vos paskambinę rasite vietinį palaikymą.


Jūsų klientams, jūsų personalui ir jums. „BHRS SPA“ leidžia lengvai matyti, planuoti ir koreguoti paskyrimus viename ekrane.

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Padėkite klientams pasiūlydami pritaikomus treniruočių planus ir pakartotinai naudojamus sportavimo šablonus. Viskas yra išplėstinės „BHRS Wellness“ programinės įrangos dalis.

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Užmegzkite stiprų ryšį su klientais ir paskatinkite juos grįžti vėl ir vėl. Efektyvios „Loyalty“ programos geriau dirba su „BHRS Spa“ programine įranga.

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Svečio veikla

Sekite savo klientų patirtį SPA centre, supraskite jų reikalavimus ir palydėkite juos priimant pasirinkimus. Su „BHRS Spa Management Solutions“ viskas valdoma atsipalaidavus.

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Our Clients

Being owned by the British based Latvian Welfare Trust our reporting system differs from the one Fidelio offers. During the past year we found it necessary to make a number of changes, to contact the support office and to explain our requirements. It should be noted that HRS staff have always been willing to listen and help us and we would like to thank them for their assistance.

Margarita Platace, Radi un Draugi

Professional expertise – this is the key sentence to describe HRS. My experience with HRS and its provided systems and services goes back to more than a decade and this time has given me confidence that whatever assistance is needed in regards with PMS or S&C it is just a phone call away.

Kaido Ojaperv , RadissonBlu Sky Tallinn

The HRS team is very professional and client oriented. Fidelio Suite 8 is user friendly and being continuously developed, thus easing off the day to day operations of the hotel. We also would like to emphasize that HRS staff are highly competent not only in the hotel management systems, but also in hotel business as such that helps to find appropriate solutions more quickly.

Ilze Rinke, Neiburgs Hotel

During our long-term co-operation ( started in 2005) with BHRS we have had many great challenges - Euro conversation was one of the most intense – and we have together conquered them all. World experience combined with local service provider makes HRS a reliable partner for finding solutions even for hardest questions in the field.

Egidijus Dargevičius , Best Western Hotel Vilnius